Tuesday, July 19, 2011

BVRA Comments on Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan

Comments from the Beaver Valley Ratepayers Association (BVRA)
(as submitted to Chris Wilson of Genivar on July 19, 2011)

We commend the vision of Grey Highlands Council in undertaking this Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan Study and support this initiative, especially Phase 1, as it includes the Beaver Valley Recreation Area.

Both the Niagara Escarpment Plan and the County of Grey Official Plan identify the Beaver Valley Area as a growth area; as such the MOE has consistently stressed the need for municipal servicing of the area given existing residential water problems, increasing development pressure and the ignorance of the cumulative impact of more and more wells and septic systems in this fragile karstic environment. Completing feasibility and environmental assessments, leading to some level of municipal servicing in the future makes good planning sense. The BVRA anticipates that this Grey Highlands initiative will go a long way toward addressing the concerns of our members about water quality and quantity.

It also makes good planning sense to us, that by doing the groundwork now, the Municipality will be eligible in the future to take advantage of government infrastructure funding opportunities; this shows great foresight.

The BVRA affirms the need for the development of a secondary growth plan for the area as was mentioned by the planner at the March 28th Council Meeting, coinciding with the Servicing Master Plan and we look forward as an organization to being part of that process.

Of course there are at this stage, many questions that concern BVRA members.

·      What is the cost? Who pays?
·      Will property owners be required to hook up to municipal servicing if they don’t experience water problems?
·      One alternative suggests a pumping station or stations in the area of Windy Lane and Bowles Bluff Road. Naturally this has residents there worried about noise, smell, and traffic.
·      What effect will this initiative have on current development proposals?
·      What effect will this initiative have on future development proposals?

In conclusion, the BVRA congratulates Council on this bold move, applauds the planning vision and looks forward to actively participating in the process.

Cathy Little (President) and Ed O’Neill (Vice-President)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan

On Tuesday, June 28 Grey Highlands Council held a public meeting to outline the rationale and the process of the Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan. Ross Slaughter, engineer with Genivar made a powerpoint presentation which can be viewed on the Grey Highlands website.

This initiative affects all of us and we urge you to become familiar with the Plan and take advantage of the opportunity to comment. Comments must be received by Wednesday, July 20, 2011. Your executive will be submitting comments which reflect the mission statement and the membership concerns of the BVRA.